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Often associated with teenagers and dismissed as temporary fads or trends. Social Media is exactly what it is, media that allows you to be social. Many people underestimate the value and use of social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and Linkedin to name a few. Frequently used for connecting with friends and family, it's much more than that. It's a door/window to fulfill your mission, vision, purpose, spread your message, build your brand, bring awareness, grow your business, and acquire clients. All of this time you've been missing out on the amazing opportunity for others to engage with your brand, business, and message. According to CareerArc, 79% of employers believe social media marketing will be the most in-demand HR skill by 2020. Think about it, the more eyes you get on your product, service, brand, message, or purpose the better it is for you. Everyone regardless of age consumes some form of content whether through television, radio, newspaper, magazine, youtube, podcast, e-mail, cell-phone, etc. Who doesn't have a cell-phone today? The cell-phone is literally the new tv and the world is constantly on it to buy, apply for jobs, research, and consume content. CareerArc goes on to say, 85% of job seekers expect most companies in their industry to have at least one social media account. The Pictures make good content for postings but videos are greater. What do people consume more of?...................................................................................................................................

Videos! So you have to start filming more if you want to come up for air and float in an ocean filled with many voices being drowned. According to CareerBuilder, 90% of candidates would apply for a job when it's from an employer brand that's actively maintained.

Any winning strategy would include both picture and video content to take your business to the next level. Social Media is vital to the success of your organization regardless of your mission, vision, or purpose.

So what are you waiting for? Get back on track today!

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